Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Simple grid and simple a5w page to display the content:

Today we will be building a simple grid and place it on a a5w page which is shown in a browser window.
To build a component I have selected a simple table, TYPE from MySQL database.  Start your alphafive and go to the workspace and select web components in the left menu. And then click new on the top.  When the next dialog comes you can use that dialog or skip it.  Today I will be using that dialog to select updatable grid with sql back end.  Once done select the connection string and select the table.  Then move all the fields you want to display.

There are few items I do not like so I will be removing them.  You don't have to. Like number of records per page, deleting records etc.,  Once done take a look at the preview and if you like save with an appropriate name.  I gave type as it is on the type table.

Once this is done, the next step will be to insert into an a5w page.  That can be viewed via a browser interface.

Next select a5w pages, click new on the top.  When the page loads up select the WYSIWYG tab at the bottom ( for now at least ) then save the page with a reasonable name like type.  Now click insert component and select the recently built type component. And save it again.  Then you can check by clicking the lightning rod and if all goes well the page will be displayed in your default browser.  Then you can publish right there by clicking the publish button or close the page and publish in the main window.

Then start your browser and type in the address of the page.  You will see your nice handiwork in full glory.

Here are the videos showing the same.
Building basic Type grid:
Inserting into an alpha page and viewing via a browser:
Updated Video:
Nov 19th 2017:


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